Tuesday, March 23, 2010

come on April...

The Anderson family is not sad to see March coming to an end. It has been one heck of a month...whew! In the past month, the Andersons have been through the ringer. Just to name a few things, here is what we have faced in the month of March and the end of February...Michael threw out his back TWICE, Michael got the nasty stomach bug, Caleb is in the middle of his 2nd DOUBLE ear infection in 2 weeks, and last but not least, Sunday we spent all day in the ER with Caleb...

Sunday morning Caleb woke up with basically a dry diaper. This is not normal for him. When we started thinking about it, it occurred to us that he had had very few wet diapers on Saturday, so off the the ER we went. Boy was it an experience.

After a very long day with some very strange, dirty people, we found out that Caleb has hand, mouth and foot virus. What this basically is, is multiple ulcers in the back of his throat that make it very painful to eat/drink hence why there were no wet diapers. (We had chalked all of the not eating/drinking to the ear infection.) With the virus comes a rash on his hands, feet and around his mouth (which we thought were bug bites).

Yeah, we aren't doctors...

The ER doctor, who I will go on record and saying, had the personality of a door nail, gave us some concoction to give him to coat the sores to help him eat. He also said he still had the ear infection. Lovely.

But the best news of all...he his contageious for 7-10 days which means NO MRS. ANNE! You have GOT to be kidding me!!!

After a mild freak out on my part, Michael and I worked out a schedule for Caleb's care this week (thanks, Grandmommy!!!).

The good news is that the concoction seems to be helping and he is eating/drinking/peeing like normal. Today he also seemed to have regained some energy. THANK GOODNESS!!!!

Last week Michael had to have an MRI on his back...it has been a long week waiting to see the doctor. Today we went to get "the news." Do you know what he said...NOTHING! Not a dang thing is wrong...seriously??!?! Well, not really. He said he does have some bulging discs and a possible tear, but nothing to diagnose. Good news to say the least. But not more excuses from Michael... :)

To say the least The Andersons are truly looking forward to next week when April finally arrives (and our 4 year anniversary). Hopefully everyone will be well and we can enjoy our Spring Break!


Kimberly said...

When it rains it pours!!! I hope you have a better April!!!

Anne said...

Oh my goodness! Sorry things have been so crazy :(