This past year I have been following the Caringbridge site for a student at the high school in the cluster I work in. This girl was diagnosed with bladder cancer a year ago. The tumor in her bladder was the size of a football, and aggressive chemo was needed. After months of chemo, the cancer was GONE. Goodbye. Peace out. It was a miracle. After that, she still had months of radiation to make sure the cancer was gone for good. Christmas Eve they received news that the cancer was indeed out of her body. A true miracle for sure. In January she had a major setback. She started having headaches and going numb in one arm. After a series of tests, they found out she had brain cancer. This horrible disease had returned. But, after surgery, the tumor had been removed. More radiation was needed, but again, the cancer was gone. After about a month, the headaches returned, but this time they were much worse and incapacitating. They performed a body scan and the news was devastating. The cancer was back, coating her brain, and in her spinal cord. There was nothing they could do. This 17 year old athlete's life was cut short on Friday, April 9, 2010 just 2 weeks after the last cancer was found.
On my way home from school today, I was caught in her funeral persession. I watched her family and friends follow her casket down the road. I could not help myself; I cried. I looked back and told Caleb how much I loved him. As a parent, I can not imagine the sense of loss and helplessness her parents must feel.
I tell you this not to upset you or worry you, but to make sure all of you hug your families a little tighter tonight, and let everyone you love know how much you love them. I did not know this young lady. I kept up with her illness through her Caringbridge site, and she and her family have no idea how much their story and struggles have touched my life and made me realize that even when things don't go my way or a little hard, I am a very blessed person.